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Ben Harper once again
Damn... reading these reviews just brings the concert all back to me... :) And it made me a happy boy... :) But wow, these reviews describe the concert so much better than me.. I think when I was writing it, I was still in a little bit of awe, or something...
And don't forget to check out the pictoors!! :)

In other news, such a unproductive day... in a rather blah kind of way. I went out for dimsum with grandparents, cuz they left for Hong Kong today, and that was nice. Then I came home with Edwin, the son of a family friend, and I couldn't really do anything, cuz I had to be a good host, but all he wanted to was play video games, so I had to be with him, even though I had other things to do. Like it was a good time and all, I just wish I hadn't wasted it playing videogames. blahhh... I spent yesterday with the boy too.. He wanted to go to Playdium, so my parents told me to go with him. And it was a good time as well.. Just dunno how much more Edwin I can live up to though.. Like he's a nice enough boy, but he's 14, and there's a bit of different in terms of what we like to do... Anyways, I'm just whining, cuz I haven't really talked to Katie, since I left for California... so almost 2 weeks, methinks.

I'm also leaving Vancouver on September 6... Everyone will be in full swing in school already though... *sigh* I hope I'll get to see people before I go though.. I should be making the most of the time this week then... So keep your ears open for a phone call from me, vancouverpeoples!! :) Maybe I'll be able to meet up with some people after school's started... We'll see how it goes. And oh, I'm getting dreadlocks in 2 days... ack! I'm so excited... a little nervous too.. It's been such a work in the making for such a long time, and now that I'm really about to get them, it's hard not to feel some anticipation. I hope it'll work out though. Like I'll be able to take good care of them and stuff.

Anyways, I should get some early sleep. Going out go Guu (sp?) with Ayesha tommorow, and then to an anime shop Dave told me about... We'll see if I get any fun things.. :)


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