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To the depths of Chaos and back

Well, that pretty much summarizes my life since I've been back from a thoroughly relaxing reading break. It's basically been a big blur of school related work. Biochemistry Lab hath be borne of hounds of Hell. A fiery hate burns brightly within me for it. I stay up til the wee hours of the morning working on the thing, and half the time, they don't even bother marking it. One of my friends in another lab, Henry, had to go to the dropbox (where you hand in your lab) to pick it up, because the TAs didn't even bother to take it out of the dropbox. How blatantly lazy can you be, huh? And then, this thusday was my Biochemistry midterm. I had had 4 days to study for it, so in fact, I think I did pretty well in that. I'm hoping for at least a 70%. Speaking of doing well, I got a 83% on my botany midterm!! yeehaw!! I'm so very much happy about that. And in other good news, I'll be going to Costa Rica after school ends on April 28th. Damn, I'm so very excited like you would not believe! I can scarcely believe still that I'm going there! I was so worried that there was no spaces left for me, since there had been one spot left before reading break when I emailed the organization.. But the lady organizing it had been holding a space for me. Bless her kind soul!! Anyways, if you want to go see what I'm all psyched about, visit the Journey South web site. Speaking of going places, I also applied for an exchange next winter semester (Feb-June) in New Zealand. So with any luck (and a good interview), I might be there at this time next year. That would be so incredible. *sigh* I'll keep you all updated on that, eh? I also recieved news that I won't be returning as a RA next year. And I dunno, at first I was a bit wistful, but when I really think about it, there are so many other things I could be involving myself with. Yes, it was a REALLY great experience, and I have no regrets about doing it, but like some other RAs feel, why "taint" the experience that you've got, right? And I also think that I'm not the best RA ever, so if someone can do a better job than me, then so be it. I would be happy if the students themselves had a better university experience because of it. In some ways, I feel like I haven't done enough to give my students that sometimes. Some of them just don't really want to get all that involved, and are content doing their own thing, and that's cool with me. I guess in a way, I don't really know what a really awesome RA is like, from a students perspective. The RAs i'm working with now ARE awesome RAs, and I'm glad I have them for support whenever I need. But my first year RA was a really great guy, but I think I didn't see him enough to really get a clear idea of how to be one. It's a bit of a shame, but hey it's life, right? Every path that you take is opportunity to learn something, if you choose to. And I have learned so much by being an RA and am glad for having had the experience, meeting so many awesome people, and everything. But I think that the world awaits me, and now I can be off to more adventures.. Yey!

| Mood: Thoughtful |
| Song: Manu Chau - Me gustas tu |


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