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~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~

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hey hey... i know it's been a while... I've been really busy... doing shit all.. haha. i dunno. I think that being home is more conducive to going out hooliganating, so i just haven't been home as much, and there's usually just more stuff (errands, chores) to deal with, so this has unfortunately suffered.
Anyways last night I was trying to get to sleep, and I was laying there for like an hour. Very very peculiar... 5am rolls around, and I'm just like "fuckit" and I just stayed up the whole night... I did end up crashing into my bed around noonish for like 2 hours, but i'm hoping that staying up will make me sufficiently tired enough to put my sleeping schedule into order. possibly unlikely though, especially with new years looming near in the future. *sigh* c'est la vie.


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