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Well, according to this, Jeremy Bentham describes my ethical philsophy, who believed:

  • Nature has placed humans under two states: pain and pleasure.
  • The words right and wrong are significant only when related to the Utilitarian principle.
  • Pleasures are not distinguished by quality; pleasure has quantifiable value.

    Not really sure if I entirely agree with it, but oh well. ;p

    Anyhoo, I finished my DE assignment on time, which is good news. God, I'm getting sick of that class... mostly because I've kinda put it off until the last minute, and then I have to CRAM like mad to get things finished. And the final exam is in 7 days... aruuugh... *anguish*
    But ooh, my sister comes home tommorow! that should be exciting! I really dunno how often I'll see her when she comes back, cuz I know she'll be running around like mad, all over town and stuff. I'll see her for a bit tho, so that should be good.

    Has anybody seen the new "fashion" rage that is sweeping... well, asian parts of canada? This is the new style:
    So basically, a welding mask... Sure it's like sunblock for your whole face, but I dunno, personally, I don't think I like it. First of all, it looks like you can't see where you're going, like you're going to randomly run into lamp posts or something. And secondly it's just a bit freaky. Just imagine walking into a mall, and seeing every single person wearing one of these or something. Or if you're working at a store, and someone wearing this "hat" comes up to the cashier. It's like we've lost part of our humanity... Our faces, our eyes that distinguish ourselves from any other individual on this planet. Wearing these, it's like wearing coloured glasses to further seperate yourself from the reality in front of you. Lastly, I think it would just be rude to be talking to someone wearing these. You can't see any part of their face, one of the most vital parts used in communication. GAH!

    Well that's all. gotta go to bed... Mom's been grumpy, she's gonna come down soon and open cans of whup-ass on me.. ;p
    so nitey nite!

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