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~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~

Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life.

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wow, it's amazing the things that can transpire in the span of a week when you're on vacation... especially reading them on blogs.. craziness... It may be naivete, but I'm always surprised at the things that happen when I go away for a little while without contact with the outside world. but yeah, i'm back now.... I had the best time with Katie the past week.. I'll do a proper update later, but right now, I'm showering, and then hitting the hay!! A busy busy day tommorow. Plowing through my distance ed assignment (*eep* 312 messages in the forum), handing it in and going to an ecoranger meeting, and unpacking, and all that good fun.
p.s. and yays, I got real mail! A CD from the costa rica people, with nice photos and video greetings from the people who lived in the community I stayed at, and a post card from the Outer Banks (North Carolina) from Katie! *doubleyays!!*


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