~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~
Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life. | |||||||||
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I believe
Woops, I lied.. haha!
Hey, so I was a few hours late... what's new about that?? ;p Anyways, I've just been taking life easy the last few days... Cleaning up my computer, and just getting it primed for a good four months of inactivity.... *sniff* cuz i'll be leaving it at my aunt's all summer. so sad. heh. so yeah, that's been eating away at my time. and besides that, i''ve basically been sleeping, eating and watching the hockey playoffs... what an exciting life i lead, huh? But w00t!!! the canucks are still in the playoffs!! damn, they played beautifully tonight. hehe... can't really say the same for the leafs.... *dodges rabid leaf fans* But yeah... I've had a lot of time to just think about things... but I think that i've kind of been thinking abut a bit too much, and lost them my thoughts... sorta when you are playing tag, and you run towards a group of people. But you chase them all at once, your limbs flailing in all directions, but you still don't get anybody. Yes, sorta like that. So let's try again, and try to think about things. *thinks* Okie... let's try again. Wow.... School's over. At this point, it seems almost so long ago that I finished cramming madly for my exams, and cramming madly to see all my friends and my beloved before I had to go... and cramming madly all my possessions into random containers. It was just such madness that was happening. K, random thoughts time... -Exams: well for the most part they were done decently I thought. Except genetics.... genetics wasn't that much fun.... But we shall see... we shall see... -I can't believe that I'm not going to see Katie for so long again... I don't really think it's sunk in yet... I've been trying to preoccupy myself with other things, and so far, so good, I guess. a few months, and then hopefully i'll go visit her... and then a few more months.. and then she comes visit me for a while before school starts, before she leaves for scotland on an exchange! *excited but kinda sad* And then another 8 months apart... Damn... this love stuff is so tough. *pouts* But it's so worth it! *dreamy sigh* -Moving out this year was such an ugmo... <--(you know "mofo"? Well it's like that, but instead it's "ugmo", with "ug"=ugly). Just the sheer amount of refuse and garbage and litter and trash and old homework and random parts of computers. So so sad and disgusting. I can't believe how much crap people were throwing out. 8-month old mayonaise, quantum physics homework, you name it, they had it. But having moved out this year, I understood how it could be done. Because I did it myself. Sad as it was, I couldn't fit it all into my relative's two cars they had brought. I felt so sad for leaving all that food and random memories of the past eight months, but by the end of the ordeal, I was just so sick and tired of moving, that sentimental part of my mind just shut down. And the little environmentalist in my mind was just raging out in its cranial prison, shouting obscenities at my blasphemy of wasting so many things that 3/4 of the world will most likely kill for. :( Argh!! I hate my inability to type with the right fingers on the right keys. it really fucks up my ability to type on a laptop, because I usually use my index finger for the space bar, but that makes my thumbs stick out on the mouse pad thingy, and i end up really screwing up my typging.... ARGHHH!!! But before I was so rudely interrupted by my incompotent fingers *ahem* I was just talking about how grateful I am for having such good suitemates. Sometimes a bit messy, but always very zany and fun, and good to get along with... Boy, when i first moved in, I was a bit apprehensive about living with 5 girls, but they laid my worries down to rest. We all got along fine, and i'm very very glad for that!! :) *yay* I was going spiel on about my life, but really it's getting late, and my mind's getting fuzzy. So with this I bid thee buenos noches. p.s. Don't you just want to get this? hahahaha... I wonder what it's like? p.p.s. Happy Earth Day! Go outside, frolic and befriend a tree. They will be ever thankful. It is rare that they get much company these days... :|
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