~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~
Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life. | |||||||||
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hey y'all!!
man, my room is a mess right now. My life is slightly less so. For a while, I had my work all planned out and everything, and I was ON THE BALL!! But somehow, I'm up at 5 in the morning (right now) trying to finish my statistics lab, and having no interest to do so whatsoever. This is why I'm writing right now. Anyways, today was a decent day, I guess. I was madly scribbling away in my chemistry notebook doing my pre-lab until I had the lab itself at 2:30. We played with the most godawful smelling chemical ever!! (Ether) I swear the smell of these chemicals get worse with each progessive lab. Anyways, the lab itself wasn't too bad... In fact, it was kinda cool, as we worked out the outcome of the experiment on paper, and then we actually performed the experiment and obtained the same results. That's always good, huh? =P It seems that so often that labs are done in which the results we get don't really have much to do with anything that theoretically happens, so that was a nice change. And today was our last lab for the semester, so that was a reason to rejoice in itself! *hops for joy* Except next week, I have a lab exam, and I have to hand in the 5 accumulated labs that I have put off... AIya... *slumps over* that's crazy talk, I tell you! Except for a few minor mishaps, me and henry finished the lab without much of a problem, so that was good! And you know what I've decided one of the scariest sounds ever is? The sound of my lab TA Karine saying "Omigod" in the middle of the lab. Especially if she's behind you, because then you know that you have done something terribly, terribly terribly wrong. That didn't happen to me today, but it did happen, when I broke that mercury thermometer. *eep* Then we ate at the UC(University Centre) and plowed down some chinese noodles and BBQ pork, and many people we knew passed by and it was all good. The fortune cookie I got there was pretty sweet. It read, "Sing and rejoice, fortune is smiling on you". I thought that was pretty darn cool!! Then we went to the mall to de-stress! I also had to go pick up a little surprise for Katie *heeheehee*, which I'll describe tommorow, in the case that she might read it before then... ;p But that was RATHER exciting! Then as I was returning back to residence, it dawned on me that I was on-call, and I had a fleeting moment of panic, but then I looked at my watch, and I had time to spare. And finally, for once, I picked up an intramural form on time, and me and my section are going to have a volleyball team!! hurray! personally, I would have really enjoyed a floor hockey team, and I would of been the goalie and kicked some serious ass, but since there wasn't enough interest in my section for one, we settled for a volleyball team instead! So going around my two floors of students took up a good portion of the night (not spent doing my stats lab), and then I had to do my rounds with Erin. So we zipped through the building, and all was good. I gave Katie a visit, and then people just started showing up. Dan (who I only ever see when I'm call) showed up, and we all just started talking until rather late. Let's say around 2:30ish. Lemme tell ya, that boy is a talking machine! But it was all pretty interesting so it was all good. It was a little weird, because I felt I was only partly in the conversation. So after that, I came back here, and was doing some stats until now. And now that I am finished blabbing, it's off to stats, once again! giddy up, pardner!
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