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~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~

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and with a minute to spare
Aiya, i've just finished my grueling race to finish, oh yes... my ecology paper! I submitted it online 1 minute before it was due... ;p talk about cutting it close, huh? Stupid Distance Education Ecology... bah! It's just a lot of work, methinks... compared with normal ecology, it seems like almost hell... but i dunno, i guess i am sort of learning more... No! i'm not! take that back... there's so much I have to do otherwise, I can't really manage doing ecology as well... AT least there's no final exam I guess.. Anyways, life has been a bit wacked up lately... I'm rather sickly... and I have so much to do, I'm about to faint, I think... and I don't have enough sleep... bah! I'll live, right? Suck it up, you say!! there's just 4 more days to freedom! well sorta... there's 2 midterms next week, but let us not digress, ok?
Hey, it's two posts in two days... I'm not doing bad right now, eh? I just need to make this a little habit, I guess.... a couple minutes here, a couple minutes there... I just wish I had a few friggin minutes to just sit and vegetate!! arrggghhh!!!! *silence*

Ahhhh... better, I guess.. :)
anyways, I've got to go! things to do, a bed to sleep! :)


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