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~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~

Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life.

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hullo... just finished eco-ranging today. It was pretty good fun, but as Smeagol (well, Gollum) said, "I've lossst me preeeciousss...." *sniffs* wah! yeah, my cute little keychain that Katie gave me, I must have left it in one of the Eco-ranger vests. I'll just go find it tommorow, I guess! But other than that, haven't been up to too much. Been spending too much time trying to figure this blog business out. Ooh, I've got some goodies for the site... some photos from the past year or so, and *drumroll please* a guestmap!!! *gasps* What is it, you ask? Well you'll just hafta wait, now won't we? *grin*
but yeah, wish me luck with finding me preciousssssssss.....


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