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~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~

Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life.

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yay!! i've got my cute little mood indicator up now! *smiles* well, this is my first foray into bloggerdom... wow, how very exciting! :) anyhoo, just finished walking my dog... it's a beautiful day! wish i could be at the beach right now... but i've got things to do, places to see... oh wait, no places to see. :P well it's eloise's potluck tonight. A big party gathering from around the land... well, me eloise and ayesha, so far... ;p aw man, i dunno. But since i recovered from the stomach flu, i've been feeling pretty good about life and stuff. I feel like a phoenix rising from its ashes.. haha. But seriously, I feel kinda rejuvenated someho. Like I wanna go and do stuff, not be stuck in a rut like the past week or two... =D so i'm a happy little boy here.. kee hee hee (monkey like laugh). But in other news, this vagrant ant comic is on hiatus for an indefinite amount of time.. well basically until I figure how to use Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop! And it's a bit of a shame, cuz frankly, who knows how long learning the thing will take... >P well i've got lots to write, but more later!


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